When I'm in the midst of melancholy, I too often forget what I have around me that is good and wonderful: My partner who nods and smiles, who wraps himself around me in the mornings; my pets who annoy me greatly but give me great comfort; My adopted sister Christy who paints and finds beauty in everything; My friend Matt who is my coach and cheerleader. He gives the best bear hugs. He really is the best; The people in Indianapolis that I can truly call "friend;" the Indianapolis Museum of Art; My dad who is making a new life for himself. I'm very proud of him; The friends that have come my way through the Internet. They have made me laugh and cry. Many of these friends are helping us make the move to Chicago more smooth; My artistic talents that I need to foster more and more; The people that are my chosen family; The magic and mystery of Hallowe'en and Yule.
I could go on for a long time about these things. Writing them and saying them makes me realize that the good far, far out weighs the ugly.