Recently, my art work has become rather dark. It could be the world climate, the upcoming anniversary of my mother's death, or just my mood. Regardless of the provocation, the art is dark and I'm going to run with it. I'm enjoying it, quite frankly.
I'm working on pieces about shattered hope, death, memories, magic, protection, and vulnerability. I'm exploring techniques that are new to me and using different colors and mediums.
Our society shuns the dark in such an unhealthy manner. There are mysteries to life. And science, try as it might, can't explain away everything. Americans fear death unlike any other culture. Death and fear are as much a part of life as birth and joy; you can't have the happy times of life without the counterparts.
Not every story has a happy ending. Bad things happen to good people. Life acts in ways we can't fathom.
And that is why I'll work out my thoughts through dark art.