Lately, I've been craving the twilight hours. The air smells cleaner and my lungs are filled with life. Those hours are precious because they lead into darkness. The night sky opens up my soul and reminds me of my place in the universe.
Seeing the planets, stars, and the arms of our spiral galaxy chill me and excite me. It's humbling to know that we're made of the same atoms; that we're made of "star stuff," as Carl Sagan said. I'm made of stars and so are you.
The ingredients of this universe are in us day and night. We should be comforted by this. We should embrace the knowledge that our energy and body came from the stars and will return there one day.
We've heard the expression, "God is in the details." I agree. Perhaps heaven isn't out there, but in there. Perhaps our journeys after life lead us back into our molecules which are like small galaxies. Maybe this is what our afterlife is really all about; we return to the matter from which we're made. We reunite with every living thing in the universe that was created before us.
I find comfort that stars are my kin.